2005 Power Predictor Redemption Pool - only Raiders needed!!!!!!

Hey guys
I pulled the Bulldogs when I got home tonight and busted my box :)
I was actually chasing this one for my own set so @pharoh is happy to supply his then I will hang onto mine if that's ok?

Hey @Wellsie @joeyhonson,
Happy to use mine for the predictor share if that suits you all.
Just want to make sure that the share goes through for everyone, as I said before.
LMK the details when going ahead.
Is there a need for this to be OK'd by the Mods? - Like a case share?
Hey Bob,

You have been slotted into the Bulldogs spot. Will set it all up through a trade agreement so everyone is comfortable. Wont ask for anyone's cards until all have been secured and spots filled in this thread for everyone's visibility. Once that is done I will PM each person with details of where to send their card. Once I have sent the cards I will post the tracking number in this thread for all to see.

We have just added a Dragons card to our list thanks to @Andjel 2251 so just need a Raiders and a Storm now. Keep an eye out folks. I will buy them if required.

Thanks again
owen busting a box of 2005 power at 8:30 tonight so someone might be able to help you, depending on what team is pulled
OK people. I have just had confirmation from Select that the Playmaker Redemption cards are still available however the Tigers Premiership set is NOT available any longer.
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