2 more pieces to my 1000+ piece puzzle!!!

Slobby - good to see u round abusing me - I missed it....too many spring chickens around here!!! Need more of us grumpy old buggers - as for NZ - I' m sure we just stuffed Australia at something...oh yeah the bledisloe - 4-0 this year - up yours...

hahahah mate i hate union it doesnt count! when the baby arrives on the 21st you MUST post it in the mailday :lol:
you know the child go far in life it has part of my name in it...good thinking mate! not like a kiwi to think outside the paddock, i mean box! :lol::lol:

You're quite rowdy for a West Islander...nice Pip patch by the way woulda loved a KG of that but they're F&*()&*() Twolves patches - lazy buggers
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