Yes Warren, 3 piece set direct from Dynamic.So to be precise it is a 3 item set ...Card , Certification certificate and Letter ......
Yes Warren, 3 piece set direct from Dynamic.So to be precise it is a 3 item set ...Card , Certification certificate and Letter ......
yes bud, quiet aware of them, a collector I have been dealing with for years was approached by a guy that had a whole shoe box full of them, he said there were about 50 different ones amongst 500 odd.
Have a look at the attached Dave (post 46) Were you aware of these? Apiarently they were an unreleased promo, maybe 2/3 the size of a normal card and holographic image of the logo and Sheens.
will hope to let you know about a big one soon.Another Dynamic mystery!! Will be interesting to see how many variants come out moving forward.
Think Raper would be about $1500. Prices is hard to gauge as not many around but not cheap
Steve, you got a link to it.That’s the current eBay bid on it anyway!
got an item numberCan’t figure out how to share link on phone.
cheers steve, did not think to look in memorabillia.254131144435
are you talking to me greg.Hi did you ever sell it I would love to buy it