09/10 Crown Royale Royalty GU & Crown Royale base

Re: Crown Royale Royalty GU & Crown Royale base

I bought a box of Crown Royale and it should be here tomorrow and if not Friday, so I'll let you know what I get. :)
Re: Crown Royale Royalty GU & Crown Royale base

I just landed the white whale thanks Garth. Duncan was proving a b*tch to find.

Also i'm preety sure I won the Bosh and Carter through Rambiboi from a US only auction so whatch this space for an update.
Re: Crown Royale Royalty GU & Crown Royale base

I have these commons;

6 Devin Harris
13 Andre Iguodala
23 Aaron Brooks
35 Derrick Rose
38 LeBron James
44 Rodney Stuckey
92 Kobe Bryant

Thanks :v:
Re: Crown Royale Royalty GU & Crown Royale base

Chris Bosh and Vince Carter now incoming thanks Rambi.

Thanks to Liam to now knocked off a few more of the Base that I was chasing.
Re: Crown Royale Royalty GU & Crown Royale base

Bump it up.

---------- Post added 21-12-2010 at 02:38 PM ----------

Guys just pointing out I won the Shaq for $1.75 off ebay so the Royalty set is now complete :D
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