i don't know about a nominee for pull of the month but this is by far a shoe-in for worse box of all time

not only are the cards in pretty bad shape for a top shelf product i think i must of opened the worse Exquisite Box in the world....
-Joe Johnson Base /225

-Peja Stojakovic Base Dual Jersey /25 (2 purple jerseys from a kings jersey:-k) got some sweet round corners too....
-Solomon Jones RC Auto Patch /225 (2 and a bit clr patch + a auto with the pen running out of ink

-Cedric Simmons RC Auto Patch /225 (1 clr patch)
and the best card out of the box........
Chauncey Billups Auto Patch /100 (1 clr patch)
well im going to go have a cry then have a smash on with the punching bag in the shed
not sure if i can be bothered scanning this crap up
thanks for checking out my break and all the help surrounding what it took to get this....
i can only wonder what was in the 1st box that didn't arrive....