05/06 Spx & 08 Trademark moves LIVE at 9pm tonite

pack 7

iggy brown insert /399
jared dudley rc


my triple auto of the box.................

chris bosh/thaddeus young/crittenton - /39
Pack 10!!!

david robinson
al horford rc

Dirk in the paint relic Orange /199

looks like the last two packs are the autos left
last pack 12!!!

deron william
jared jordan rc


BRadon Wright Red in the paint relic auto? nice /25
You pulled some pretty decent cards on both breaks especially the SPx with MJ Dual GU, Yao/TMac Dual, Odom Auto GU. The trademark moves is a bit of a let down with the RC Autos but you pulled Yi and a pretty cool Rick Barry AUTO.... I wished I got half as good a box as yours when I broke the Luxury Box.. haha
The Bosh/Thaddeus/Crittenton card isn't bad! Thaddeus has had some solid games recently since his increase in minutes. :v:
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