05-06 chrome.group box 6

Nice try...if you were 12yrs old thatd probably work..but ive seen some of your goodies...pm sent ya big sook...lolol!!!
hsv006 said:
pack 13
O YE BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

WHOO HOO I told you Steve was going to get the Auto !!!!!!!

Well done DUDE - check out what I said earlier:
DVS said:
Nice owrk scott....love to see the scan of the wade card.

Well i guess that leaves the auto to Ev or Stevo!!

Richo said:
My money is on Steve the Dev (lol) =D>
Thanks again all.. popped the other box tonight aswell ...Ud rookie class... not as much mojo as this 1 but still pulled a $50 us auto .
Will throw a new thread up tommorrow with scans...
untill the next box bust !!! yeeehaaaaa
yep..busted it at justos place...and spotted the andrew ..yippe..(bogut?)
andrew bynum debut ink auto.. dooooooo.
Must be half decent at $50 bv tho..
Thanks guys,,, i actually feel a little bad for the rest of the lads..but then i suppose we all new there was only 1 auto..
Shame really...1 auto a box would have been SWEET !!
pM ME AJ... the marvins yours.as well as the rookie class 1 if you need it.
yeah Stevo, so you should! [-X
i think you should make that a COMMUNAL auto, and we all get to have it in our collection for a part of the year each!! :lol:
Hey Steve make sure you don't give this auto up for some box you bust and end up with nothing to show......Hang onto the Shaq dude !!!
Ye i had plans for it..but was talked out of it... short of a deal i cant refuse it staying in my pc....
Na richo..as you know ..did 2 much of that in the past...
Selling on ebay isnt worth the effort..you get bugger all for them anyway..:D
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