04-05 Hoops Box Break In 20

Good stuf Billy. Good to see you busting stuff again. I like the Amare gu pic alot, a nice looking card. You lucked out with player selection in that box. Bad luck on the auto front but its a long shot.
man that dirk game used is in every box...I pulled 2 of em...I think someone else got some to
Yeh the player selection in the box was good yeh the auto's arent very likely in these boxes as with most of the lower end boxes i buy ohh well now to wait until next payday for another box :P im addicted now!
JZA said:
yep those were the days hey, 92/93 hoops was the first pack i ever busted, i busted shaq and zo rookies and then had them stolen the next day at school. i was absolutely spewing...:(

i'd have to say shaq's wouldve been the most stolen card ever.
i had at least one of my Shaq/D Rob 93/94 Hoops Pace To Face inserts stolen, maybe both (my memory of the whole incident is somewhat hazy).

being my best card of the time i was understandably pissed, especially since i was fortunate enough to pull them from packs. it'd tough not to hold the cool cards you pull yourself a bit closer... ah.... hobby memories and reflections

*end of mini-rant*
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