Desmond Mason GAME-USED "All Star Authentic Warm-Ups"
Jay Williams RC
MJ Comeback insert (odds - 1 per box, got 2!!!wow, woulda rathered an extra jersey)
That's it. Might break the other 2 later tonight and post the results, scan all pics etc.
Thanks for watching, sorry to disappoint, lol. Got some nice cards, but hopefully there's some big Mojo in the last 2 boxes.
Thanks guys. Trey I'll send a pic for ya.
I got myself 5 boxes, 3 S1 and 2 S2 in an ebay lot. Figured at 2 game-used per box it wasn't a bad buy.
Check out the mailday/pics section for some scans
Anyone interested in any cards at all please pm me. I have lots of commons/inserts from various sets too, just let me know a team or player.