More bad another 1 last week...DAMN !!
I new i should have braked for those traffic lights instead of putting my foot on the gas
More bad another 1 last week...DAMN !!
I new i should have braked for those traffic lights instead of putting my foot on the gas
Nice photo there, car's looking good! And check out that sneaky magpie trying to get into the photoshoot!
Ye i know....if you dont speed youve got nothing to complain about...but seriously
Hooning....get a life
If you saw 19 year olds in their rice burners or V6's etc doing burnouts in the wet at lights besides other traffic or passengers opening their doors whilst the car is in motion and sticking their bare asses out the open door or standing out of sun roofs throwing bottles on the road then I am sure you would report them as well. I just wish the state governments had the balls to impound the vehicles and make the drivers / offenders watch as they are crushed into scrap.
I have two kids who are just starting their driving careers and I have ZERO tolerance for rule breakers. It is the attitude that a little bit of fun is OK because it does not hurt anybody that eventually gets people killed. I have been to too many crashes and seen too many young and old lives ruined because a driver did not take due care and attention.
In fact about 3 months ago I spotted a QPOL vehicle heading down my street, I flagged the police car down and asked the officer driving the penalty for driving with white fog lights on, he told me then I asked him who is going to book him for having them on. Its not only members of the public but all drivers need to take a good hard look at themselves to see how they are behaving on the road.
And Steve, I have a life because I obey the road rules to the best of my ability, can you say the same.
lololo....well lets examine the facts
Im older than you and have been driving longer than you.
I drive hundreds of cars every week in my job
I drive a worked v8 car and ride a high powered sports bike
2 fines in 5-6 years
Its a fact..the more your on the roads the more often you will break the rules..its human nature
Like most i dont hate police and obey the rules 99% of the time but a hoon i am not innocent as you like to think you are..all road users break the law at some stage !!
Ide be willing to bet on any given day you break a road rule of some caliber do know there is no such thing as white fog lights ???
There called driving lights
Mate I am not innocent, never said I was, what I said was that I try to do the right thing all the time, that means I never intentionally commit an offence that falls within the purvue of the hooning legislation here in QLD. But it is the attitude that letting loose every once and a while is OK, its that one time you send that text or spin those wheels around the corner etc that end end with someone having to perform that death knock.
Anyhow enough said of the subject.........and might I say that I also got a speeding fine a couple of weeks ago, my car caught doing 77 in a 60 zone.........problem was I was an in-patient in hospital at the time and I found the daughters boyfriend decided to borrow my car. He was spewin when I sent the fine back with his details on it, $133 and 1 point..........cost him his green 'P' plates as he only had 1 point left. Now he is finding out all about public transport in the local area.................![]()
lololo....well lets examine the facts
Im older than you and have been driving longer than you.
I drive hundreds of cars every week in my job
I drive a worked v8 car and ride a high powered sports bike
2 fines in 5-6 years
Its a fact..the more your on the roads the more often you will break the rules..its human nature
Like most i dont hate police and obey the rules 99% of the time but a hoon i am not innocent as you like to think you are..all road users break the law at some stage !!
Ide be willing to bet on any given day you break a road rule of some caliber do know there is no such thing as white fog lights ???
There called driving lights
If you saw 19 year olds in their rice burners or V6's etc doing burnouts in the wet at lights besides other traffic or passengers opening their doors whilst the car is in motion and sticking their bare asses out the open door or standing out of sun roofs throwing bottles on the road then I am sure you would report them as well. I just wish the state governments had the balls to impound the vehicles and make the drivers / offenders watch as they are crushed into scrap.
I have two kids who are just starting their driving careers and I have ZERO tolerance for rule breakers. It is the attitude that a little bit of fun is OK because it does not hurt anybody that eventually gets people killed. I have been to too many crashes and seen too many young and old lives ruined because a driver did not take due care and attention.
In fact about 3 months ago I spotted a QPOL vehicle heading down my street, I flagged the police car down and asked the officer driving the penalty for driving with white fog lights on, he told me then I asked him who is going to book him for having them on. Its not only members of the public but all drivers need to take a good hard look at themselves to see how they are behaving on the road.
And Steve, I have a life because I obey the road rules to the best of my ability, can you say the same.
you dont get your car crushed for speeding, just hooning, stay with the playSo you would have been ok with your car getting crushed when your daughters boyfriend got busted speeding?