Nice little Saturday mailday


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Yes that is right, the parcel delivery guy scared the crape out of me this morning at 0730 h when he delivered this to me............:)


Nice, now that's a set I can appreciate. In fact, when I spread out from Stargate to scifi generally, I think it was one of the first sets I picked up. I even have the (very cheesy) DVDs :D
Nice, now that's a set I can appreciate. In fact, when I spread out from Stargate to scifi generally, I think it was one of the first sets I picked up. I even have the (very cheesy) DVDs :D

Very nice, I have been searching for the rest of the big boy cards and the gold foils. I even have a line on the apollo auto............:)
I have the mail in tall boy card spare, but can't help with the big boy or gold i don't think. There's also a Wonder Bread set from 1978.
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