Official Home & Away Signed Script

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Dunno if anyone watches, or has a misses/kids who are fans of this show, but I've put this up on the Bay.

It's going towards Charity for our Local (Bridgewater/Gagebrook) War Veterans Memorial Centre which was burnt down earlier this year.

100% Money Raised will be forwarded to the War Vets to go towards a new Centre.

I'd bid myself, but have listed it. So I'm asking, even if you don't want it, please place a bid, as every cent helps.

If you're asking "am I asking you to boost", then NO, I'm not. If you read the listing, you'll realise how important this is to the War Vets.

Although I personally don't support the suburbs, I do feel that this is for a very good cause. We all have seen what the scars of what is left behind from terrible acts of vandalism.

Check it out, it's quite cool!

p.s. a Quick background up to speedy:

The War Vets Centre was burnt down in late May, they did a ring/write around to all various types of places, to see what they could get donated to them to auction towards rebuilding a new centre. They've got signed T-shirts/Pics/CDs, etc from Evermore, Big Brother, and other various icons around the Country.

I was approached by a fellow work colleague to see if I could list this particular item on the Bay. So please, lend a hand, and make a few smiles on the faces of our War Vets.
ohhhhh scotty, i thought you were a heartless post whore;)

i guess i was wrong:rolleyes: ................i will place a bid on it now as my wife would love it:)
LOL, that's actually my Boss being a dick. lol.

He asked a few others, but they were'nt THAT good to post reply up.

Thanks Justo!

Apparently they did an offline/private Auction for it, and had someone willing to pay $70 for it, but Ben (guy who asked me to auction on Ebay) said we could get more for it online.

I know the current high bidder (well one before you), she's one of the ones who did the write/ring around trying to get stuff.

It's sad knowing that people are out there who do this shit. I thought it was just the US that had heartless f-cks.

Thanks again Justo!
I'd be interested in what other music stuff they have going.

Also anyone thats seen the Kate Richie porno, this is worth bdding on :D
LOL, I've seen SOMETHING that didnt resemble anything at all of an identifiable woman... lol (quality was shit).

I'll see what other stuff they have mate.
it might be worth your while finding some home and away forums and spamming the ebay listing there?
So Ebay is too time consuming, but posting up thread boards like OzCardz isnt???


Anyways, this isnt technically a Bump, but we're at $56AU, not bad, still got 5 days.

Appreciate the support from here. And for those who put legit bids, you're outbid. lol.
So Ebay is too time consuming, but posting up thread boards like OzCardz isnt???


Anyways, this isnt technically a Bump, but we're at $56AU, not bad, still got 5 days.

Appreciate the support from here. And for those who put legit bids, you're outbid. lol.


Look man, you should understand. I've tried to explain it on this board heaps of time (why I don't use ebay) and I'm kinda getting a bit tired of it. I mean, I don't use ebay, it's not a big deal, shouldn't hafta explain myself.

respect. :cool:
I wasnt asking you to explain your self Jim, but there's no need to keep making different shit up. You should have just said "Im not allowed to use Ebay" and you would end all conversations....
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