Guess it's back to the Drawing Board for me
MAYO!! but im biased
bl00dy americans! isnt your vote a conflict of interest??? suppose it doesnt matter in this instance! bl00dy americans!
hmmm, must be a mustard fan... I voted for you too ya knob
Probably not for this comp, but next comp I would suggest just two rounds. With the current setup it is impossible to tell who would get 3rd and 4th place. With a 2nd Round with 4 ppl in it you would compete agianst the same people and it would clearly show 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th places. With a head to head the two winners of round 2 move on, are you going to move the two losers of round 2 on so that we see who is 3rd and 4th place? Just a suggestion.
I don't think we have a 3rd and 4th place do we Adam? The original post was 1st and 2nd with a prize for last place...
How do you determine last place?
I was thinking it would just be the person with the least votes overall. I know this could possibly be affected by the 'quality' of the opposition in each group, but it was just a sympathy prize for the person who gets the least amount of clicks! Although, seeing as Alex (siladee) is in line for the last prize, I might just cancel the prize altogether!
Poll officially closed... The winner who will progress to round 2 is....
Onvison/OJ Mayo
Congratulations Mate!