I'm going to bed but before i go i thought I'd just like to say how much fun and enjoyment i get out of this site.
I'm Still only new to the forums and probably havent used it to its full potential yet but what i have seen and done has been absolutely top class.
Great people
Started my first ever Player PC
Helped a few people out with thier PC's
Found a new place to buy boxes in Adelaide (Mr paparazzi aka Brett at pooraka markets) Royalties?
My English has even improved.........RPA's PMG's RC's PC's.
Ive put a few more items on ebay but after they are done im not using it any more (to many scammers)
I have never been happier and well my missus, im learning her
Big thanks to all the guys i have done deals with already you have all been a big help and i hope to deal with
you again and i also look forward to making new friends through new sales and trades.
thanks guys lol random goat i it
Night, Matt
P.S if my collection fails to sell on Ebay then i will start to write up list of what i have to help some more people out with thier PC's
I'm Still only new to the forums and probably havent used it to its full potential yet but what i have seen and done has been absolutely top class.
Great people
Started my first ever Player PC
Helped a few people out with thier PC's
Found a new place to buy boxes in Adelaide (Mr paparazzi aka Brett at pooraka markets) Royalties?
My English has even improved.........RPA's PMG's RC's PC's.
Ive put a few more items on ebay but after they are done im not using it any more (to many scammers)
I have never been happier and well my missus, im learning her
Big thanks to all the guys i have done deals with already you have all been a big help and i hope to deal with
you again and i also look forward to making new friends through new sales and trades.
thanks guys lol random goat i it
Night, Matt
P.S if my collection fails to sell on Ebay then i will start to write up list of what i have to help some more people out with thier PC's