I visited the warhammer shop in parra which is next to phantom zone, da play ground and they are much happier out of westfields and have regular game meets. I think near there would be a good spot as you could attract comic/sci fi customers from Phantom zone, CCG collectors from the warhammer shop etc.
There is a paid parking station across the road as well.
You'll have to have some AFL/cricket cards too if you want more kiddies buying cards!
That's what i was thinking. Plus Parra's use to have a few card store's which have proven the test of survival eg. Collectors Edge and ED's cards (more than 10 years in business each).
with all these card shops opening another one might open up in coffs harbour
i remember when i came up here for holidays many many many moons ago and there was a lil one tucked away in a corner, memories of the shop entry window full of ultra pro pages of inserts with prices
I remember Ed's in the little arcade. Also remember when he was at the easter show one year, if i recall the fatty footy cards were big news then
Sounds like a great idea (maybe a Hobby store co-op) - i could take care of all the import requirements...
Honestly the thought has crossed my mind, hmmm.. if only
Hey garry was reading through this and wondered if u still giving any thought into it? Would be a great idea in western syd. Are u still thinking about it or no more???
About the only place you could put a store in parramatta and still be (relatively safe) would be south of the trainline on Church street - down near where the hobby shop is and among the chinese stores. Anything north of the rail lines (church street mall and up) is a big risk because of the junkies that hang around there. I was up in sydney only recently and took a look through parramatta - could not believe the amount of human detritus I saw hanging around church street mall near the park! Parramatta was never that bad!!!