Well... Everyone knew I would eventually find this thread. LOL
I know back in around 2009 I was a bit guilty of handing players alot of cards but I have cut down to gaining signatures for my PC and if the players are obliging I will get 1 or 2 extras of the one card so that I can trade on OCT and with friends on the Gold Coast. Through my involvement with the Titans, the guys know me and I have to much respect for the guys to sell any of their signed cards. These days when getting other teams to sign cards, I normally hand a player 3 or 4 cards and they are usually all different cards.
I have explained to alot of the guys that I get extra cards signed to trade for other cards that I need for my PC and they are nearly all OK with signing extra cards for me. In the case of the Titans, Meyers, Friend and Harrison can be a little reserved when signing, they have to be in a good mood. I never force the issue with players like them. I know in the next few weeks I will be testing the friendships all over again with the release of Strike cards. Here we go again.
I do not sell signed cards on FEEbay. I have never really promoted cards for sale on OCT, I would much prefer trades. No money is exchanged making it cheap for everyone to build a great PC. I will sell as a last option if the other person has no trade cards but I invest that back into buying signed cards I need. I don't earn alot of money and figure I can cover the cost of my Signed PC by selling the inserts and not the signed cards. My conscious is clear and I am doing something I really enjoy doing.
I know of, and have met the moron in the minibus with the kids who sell on Ebay. He is beyond rediculous and I have no problems in naming him as coastsports24 on Ebay. I have informed alot of the Titans boys of who he is and have pointed out the kids that work for him. I don't know how many times they have pissed players off at the airport by chasing them down and handing each player a handfull of cards to sign. One time I counted around 8 kids running around the airport whilst he hides in his minibus. By the time they have finished with the kids they look at me and say, "NO" which has happened with several players over the last few years. If I get to a player before they do now, I tell the player who they are. I am over him and the kids. He has contacts in Sydney who help him out also. I have his number and coastsport brochure somewhere, I would love to have it with me, show it too a player and point him out, whilst I ring his phone to prove who he is.That would be hilarious.
One time he had an Ebay listing for a signed Titans mascot card. I emailed him to ask who had signed the card and he told me the guy that does the mascot suit for the Titans. Hang on... WTF???? I know what that guys signature looks like, it ain't his signature. I emailed back that I had no confidence in any signature he was selling and would never buy off him ever again. OK so off my soapbox.
Finally, thanks to the guys on here like Girds, Rekless, Nathraider, Victor the Viking and the other guys I have traded with. My PC would be half its glory without your help in building it by trading with me. I look forward to more trades in the future.