Wizards Cards 1998-2011


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Chris Webber
Rod Strickland
Rip Hamilton
Gilbert Arenas
Caron Butler
Jerry Stackhouse
Antwan Jamison
John Wall
+ all others

AM keen on any commons/inserts/autos of wizards players, would prefer to see scans (if possible) before committing to purchase inserts and high ends.

Have got plenty of $ to spare for cards I like the look of - cheers.
will check out bucket and drop you an inbox mate. cheers.

---------- Post added 10-06-2011 at 09:29 AM ----------

I have a Caron Butler RC sweet shot auto + a UD GU in my bucket mate.LMK if you need them.

I've got the GU mate, can't find the signature card though? I've got the Caron SP Auto (doesn't sound like the same card?), other than that I'll take it if it's in a Wizards uniform?

Bump - still keen to see what else is out there lads.

Here's a chance to offload unwanted Wizards for $.

---------- Post added 10-06-2011 at 11:12 AM ----------

Bump it up.

---------- Post added 10-06-2011 at 11:12 AM ----------

Bump it up.
Year Brand Product Set Sub-Set Card # Player Team Quantity RC Serial # Auto Type Material

1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 151 Calbert Cheaney Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 152 Harvey Grant Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 153 Rod Strickland Washington Wizards 2
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 154 Tracy Murray Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 155 Chris Webber Washington Wizards 2
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base '97 Game Night 184 Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 251 Tim Legler Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 352 Juwan Howard Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 353 God Shamgod Washington Wizards 2 RC
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 354 Gheorghe Muresan Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base 355 Chris Whitney Washington Wizards 1
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice Base Hot Properties 384 Chris Webber Washington Wizards 2
1997-98 Upper Deck Collector's Choice StarQuest SQ9 Rod Strickland Washington Wizards 1
2003-04 Upper Deck MVP Base 196 Juan Dixon Washington Wizards 1
2003-04 Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Base 116 Kwame Brown Washington Wizards 1 468/750
2005-06 Upper Deck SP Authentic Base 157 Donell Taylor Washington Wizards 1 RC 51/100
2006-07 Upper Deck Base 195 Gilbert Arenas Washington Wizards 1
2006-07 Upper Deck Base 198 Antonio Daniels Washington Wizards 1
2006-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut Base 99 Antawn Jamison Washington Wizards 1
2006-07 Upper Deck SP Authentic Base 90 Andray Blatche Washington Wizards 1
2006-07 Upper Deck Sweet Shot Base 90 Antawn Jamison Washington Wizards 1
2007-08 Upper Deck Base 166 Caron Butler Washington Wizards 1
2007-08 Upper Deck Base 167 Antonio Daniels Washington Wizards 1
2007-08 Upper Deck Base 169 Antawn Jamison Washington Wizards 1
2007-08 Upper Deck First Edition Base Star Rookies 216 Nick Young Washington Wizards 1 RC
2008-09 Upper Deck Base 196 Brendan Haywood Washington Wizards 2
2008-09 Upper Deck Base 197 Caron Butler Washington Wizards 1
2008-09 Upper Deck Base 199 Gilbert Arenas Washington Wizards 1
2008-09 Upper Deck Lineage Base 70 DeShawn Stevenson Washington Wizards 1
2008-09 Upper Deck Lineage Base 80 Gilbert Arenas Washington Wizards 1
2008-09 Upper Deck Lineage Base 182 Nick Young Washington Wizards 1
2008-09 Upper Deck Lineage Flight Team FT-DS DeShawn Stevenson Washington Wizards 1 Auto
2008-09 Upper Deck MVP Base Team MVP 200 Antawn Jamison Washington Wizards 1
2008-09 Upper Deck SPX Base 15 Caron Butler Washington Wizards 2
2008-09 Upper Dekc SPX Freshman Orientation FO-JM JaVale McGee Washington Wizards 1 RC Jersey
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 194 Gilbert Arenas Washington Wizards 2
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 195 Antawn Jamison Washington Wizards 3
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 196 DeShawn Stevenson Washington Wizards 2
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 197 Caron Butler Washington Wizards 1
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 198 Brendan Haywood Washington Wizards 2
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 199 Nick Young Washington Wizards 1
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 200 Dominic McGuire Washington Wizards 4
2010-11 Panini Playoff Contenders Patches Die Cut Parellel 99 JaVale McGee Washington Wizards 1 111/299
2010-11 Panini Playoff Contenders Patches Season Ticket 99 JaVale McGee Washington Wizards 1
2010-11 Panini Playoff Contenders Patches Season Ticket 100 Andray Blatche Washington Wizards 1
2009-10 Upper Deck Base 110 Randy Foye *minnesota Timberwolves/Washington Wizards 2

I've those GU

2002-03 Sweet Shot Jerseys #RHJ Richard Hamilton

2003-04 Flair Final Edition Courtside Cuts Jerseys #JS Jerry Stackhouse (048/250)

2003-04 Topps Jersey Edition #JS Jerry Stackhouse

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