My postie sucks

i do 12 hour shifts 2 nights 6 till 6 then 2 days 6 till 6 .best ever shift was we did straight 12 hours of 4 x 4 days 4 off then 4 nights .nothing i hate more than just got into bed after night shift ,just nodding off and the parcel lady honks her horn for me to come out for a parcel.all because i own a aussie bulldog and a red heeler she,s ****e scared off them.when that happens dam wish i could rock up to her house and honk my horn to wake her up at some shift workers un godly hour.parcel guy who delivers now is as camp as a row of tents but dam good just leaves at the door for me .
i once did 12 hours shift / 7 days / for 3 months.. it was hard.. but every week my paycheck kept me doing it..! damn it was so good! lol and thats how i saved up for my house deposit!
Just got a knock at the door and a parcel, figured ah finally after 2 months then realized it was for a Street over.
Makes me wonder who's wearing my shorts :)

At least your postie knocks at the door, the lazy motherf***** in our area just drops a slip in the mailbox. Wtf is with that?? It would only take a few sec. to get off the bike and knock on the door.
At least your postie knocks at the door, the lazy motherf***** in our area just drops a slip in the mailbox. Wtf is with that?? It would only take a few sec. to get off the bike and knock on the door.

Mine used to do that in another part of the state, was very annoying. Sometimes if I'm not home mine leaves the parcel between the door and fly screen door. Which is okay if it's not an expensive package.
At least your postie knocks at the door, the lazy motherf***** in our area just drops a slip in the mailbox. Wtf is with that?? It would only take a few sec. to get off the bike and knock on the door.

x 2.

Last time I complained to my post office, I was told it is hard to find good postys because of the low wage.

Great response.

id love to be a postie. even with the 'low' wage. ride around on a scooter for half a day...sweet.

Yeah wouldn't be too bad of a job, plenty of worse jobs out there.

Mine may be an idiot but he has this funny habit when he turns around at the end of our street he groans. It's not even cause hes turning it's as he goes across the road. Every time, every day, right on creeps me out a little :lol:
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