How much is your whole card collection worth?

from a man who has never bought a box and started with a grant hill gu + a zach randolph trail blazers base I think I have done pretty well getting to where I am now. from 0 to hero!
I would suggest buying a new keyboard mate - looks like you 0 button sticks a bit!! :lol:

Hey it was $300,000 to start with so if this thread goes for long enough the price may become more realistic. The other thing is he may be using a comma instead of a full stop as a decimal point like they do in Europe I believe so he is actually saying the value is $2900.000. Just needs to stop typing that last zero:lol::razz:, or get that new keyboard
I'd say mine would be worth about $3 - $4k across my PC's...... My sneaker collection on the other hand, around $8k - $10k from last time I went right through and checked prices on the bay and so on.
That's actually probably pretty close ;) You have some amazing cards!

Haha not quite

In all honesty i have maybe $15-20k in Jordan auto's, my Augustin collection has cost me the most but worth maybe a 1/4 what i've paid if i were to sell unless another stupid Augustin collector comes on the scene.
For those of you asking, I happened to be at NRMA Insurance today and asked them what the insurance component of $40K on my collection is costing me.

The answer is $86.76 per annum.
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