Looking for 1979-82 roosters player Kel Judd Card

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Hi, am looking for the card for the player Kel Judd who played for the Sydney Roosters around 79-82, if anyoune knows of the where abouts i can obtain one of these cards it would be much appreciated.
I hate to burst your bubble but I checked Roosters scanlens/stickers cards 1977-85 and there was not 1 card of the guy you are looking for. I don't have the full set of 83 so maybe he is there. Perhaps there were club released cards. I also assume we are talking Rugby League
thanks mischa, are there any means of getting a hold of the club realeased cards at all? yeah talking about league. i will try searching for the 83 team to see if he is in there
1981 Ardmona, You will be extremely lucky to find someone that has broken up the set. Expect to pay $200+ for the set if you find one.
yeah mate i have a spare 81 kel judd ardmona card.to be honest i don't know if i want to part with it as there as rare as rocking horse ****.
You are probably right mischap but i have seen Kel Judd b4.

I intend on looking at all my Big Leagues from 1979-1982 and i could swear i have seen him somewhere in a photo!
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