LOL,OK.Well back in those days i had 2 rifles,I used to going hunting in my lunch break when working in the bush with my dad.But one day after school i went over to a mates place who lived on a farm because they had a major mice/rat problem.Well he was not as safe with guns as i was.A hollow point .22 bullet skimmed off a sheet of tin & spilt in tw

ne small peice entered just under my knee cap between the cap & knee joint & the other main peice of the bullet entered the left side just above my knee & didn't quite exit the inside of leg of left leg.
On crutchs for 6 months but did manage to recover in about 12 months later.The doctors said i'd probably have a limp but after heaps of painfull training i got myself right again,Enough to return to sport.
This happened 2 weeks before i was to play a rep under 17 US school boy squad that came over from the states.I was still 14 & had a very bright tennis future at the time.All i ever wanted was to play pro tennis & this was a very big event for me as there where major tennis scouts from US & here watching.
Although i did recover enough to play high grade tennis again but knew my pro dreams were over becuase i didn't think my knee would be good enough to get to the highest level (No1 or nothing i used to think).
Still hurts to think back to that.Oh well,Life went on LOL.
Moto to this story...Probably a few LOL