2k11 Highlight Vid


Morrow Super Collector
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Just finished making a small Wes Johnson highlight vid from the first season of my Association... just had to scratch the 2kvideo making itch heh heh.

This is sick man. You are on Xbox hey? I don't think I can make one on PS3. Does anyone know if you can make one on PS3? Cause I want to for My Player but didn't know how/if it was possible...
This is sick man. You are on Xbox hey? I don't think I can make one on PS3. Does anyone know if you can make one on PS3? Cause I want to for My Player but didn't know how/if it was possible...

Pretty sure you can still upload replays to the 2k website.... and form there, you download them, then convert them to avi to play with with an editor like windows movie maker. Just have to upload replays first... use reelmaker to make them look the way you want.
Pretty sure you can still upload replays to the 2k website.... and form there, you download them, then convert them to avi to play with with an editor like windows movie maker. Just have to upload replays first... use reelmaker to make them look the way you want.

Oh! Mine upload crappy quality though...
Oh! Mine upload crappy quality though...

so are mine...i just end up converting them to a smaller dimension it makes it look slightly better.

If you want me to put one together for you from your replays link me to your 2k page... and I can see what I can do :)
so are mine...i just end up converting them to a smaller dimension it makes it look slightly better.

If you want me to put one together for you from your replays link me to your 2k page... and I can see what I can do :)

Cheers I'll let you know!

I don't have that many repays as it is, because I didn't think I could make one so I didn't save heaps. I probably only have like 5-10 good plays saved or something like that.
Oh! Mine upload crappy quality though...

If you wanted to make them often you could pick up a decent HD Capture Card off ebay without breaking the bank. That way you can just record for as long as you like and not have to worry about uploading it via 2K.
If you wanted to make them often you could pick up a decent HD Capture Card off ebay without breaking the bank. That way you can just record for as long as you like and not have to worry about uploading it via 2K.

Good call. Never heard of that stuff before. Might look into it if I can be bothered. I might be the only one watching it though!! :lol:
thanks :) Actually about to make a season 1 from my assoc highlight package... will include a few wesley's of course... as for some reason i saved heaps of his replays lol

I'll need to make one up soon as well :)

Oh do that for sure would love to watch it. Actually uploading an online highlights video atm. Footage from some of my online games.

---------- Post added 05-05-2011 at 09:45 PM ----------

Here's the latest vid.

Hells yeah!! Awesome vids! 'specially love the flair at 1:47, and then the dunk at 2:02 in the association one =D>:worthy:
Sweet credit roll for the 2nd one too, gave me a laff.

Has me somewhat shaky about an upcoming online match...
Hells yeah!! Awesome vids! 'specially love the flair at 1:47, and then the dunk at 2:02 in the association one =D>:worthy:
Sweet credit roll for the 2nd one too, gave me a laff.

Has me somewhat shaky about an upcoming online match...

I'll be able to make better vids now (although limited by my computer specs) because I went out and bought a USB game recorder device :D

Oh don't worry... for as many flashy online plays there are heaps more boring ones lol Look forward to a Twolves v Twolves match up LOL I'll wear black ;)
The new vid is awesome mate. Can I just ask...

Where do you do inbound all opps?

And how long does a two minute vid take and how do you fully make it?
The new vid is awesome mate. Can I just ask...

Where do you do inbound all opps?

And how long does a two minute vid take and how do you fully make it?

Inbound alley oops are about timing, and controlling a guy with a clear run to basket... I've done them from the sideline AND the baseline...

As for making a video in this fashion, it takes a while. The time to edit and upload your replays onto 2k... then downloading them from 2k website, then you need to convert them to AVI... then you can put them together in windows movie maker, and add music and credits... thats how I made them... but from now on (except for maybe one more vid) I'm making them a different way because of the equipment I now have.
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