Its called a Legacy for a reason ...


Dom Wilkins Collector
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Flair Showcase Legacy Row 1
And the reason is I can't blasted find it lmfao :lol:
Anyone has one of these lying around, please let me know and I will take it off your hands.

This is the Row1 right?
To me it looks like the 2nd card #B81 in the link above even though they have it as row2.

The #B81 would be the 2nd card in the series which is row1 (#A81 Row0 & #C81 being Row2). Also the GRA on the end of their listing to me stands for "GRACE" which is on the front of the Row1's

Yeah you can thank me later :D
Thanks for the feedback guys, yes its the Row 1 (added to initial post).
Burbank Cards :(
I had wondered about his incorrect listing on those cards, was kinda leaving that as an absolutely last option. He is renowned for being ridiculously overpriced.
Got the Row 0 & 2 together, with postage for 20 bucks ...
Thanks for the feedback guys, yes its the Row 1 (added to initial post).
Burbank Cards :(
I had wondered about his incorrect listing on those cards, was kinda leaving that as an absolutely last option. He is renowned for being ridiculously overpriced.
Got the Row 0 & 2 together, with postage for 20 bucks ...

Yep they must use Beckett for pricing. Saying that i have no problem paying a bit extra on cards i need from them, i just bought about 10 cards off them to save the hassle of having to hunt them down separately and would have saved a few bucks with combined postage which i guess is how he gets his sales.

Maybe contact him/them and see if they can confirm which card it actually is :v:
Yeah i think everyone on the Beckett markeplace conforms to beckett pricing. But as Verse said if its sitting there just get it. Will be worth not having to hunt all over the internet.
Appreciate all the feedback guys.
Have sent them an email to see if this is indeed the one I am after.
Here's hoping to see this in one of my maildays very soon :D
Reply back from Stephen at Burbank and it is definately Row 2 :(
The search goes on.

Damn, wonder what the GRA is on his listing?
I'll be keeping an eye on things for you Mark, hope you can get one soon. Are you after his other years too or do you have those already?


and the 3 showcase's from this year is all I have.
Don't think he is in any of the other showcase sets ... could be mistaken though.
Thanks for the effort Nick, really appreciate it.
Wasn't exactly a glowing reply from burbank either, just said Row2 and that was it lmfao
good luck finding it. out of the 3 i'm also missing the row 1 :)

very seldom come up, when you see it grab it would be my advise

Cheers Col
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