Paypal now charging the payer for gifts?


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Not sure what is going on with PayPal, however I just paid someone as a gift and they charged ME for the transaction, the same one they would charge the seller. When I unticked the box for me to pay this fee, it then charged the receiver.

Anyway, I took the fee myself.

Guess what, I am so looking forward to seeing your reactions as there is no way I believe we should be paying PayPal for this service....

i always thought gifts were free if in the same currency that you hold the account in. i live in the uk and therefore have a £uk sterling primary source of funds, so if i send some cash to someone in uk £pounds i have no fee but if i pay someone in aussie $$ i pay the fee. if they have changed this i guess i am not suprised as most banks will look to get all the fees that they can!!
Gift is free (assuming non cross boarder tranaction involved) I'm sure as long as you are using paypal balance or bank account if your using CC or visa/matercard debit as funding source then I think it says who do you want to pay fee sender or receiver. As long as you have CC or debit card as back up funding source then pay using your bank account and no fees and reciver receives payment immeditely if you dont have this as your back up funding then receiver gets payment as an eCheque if your PayPal balance does not cover it.
Correct me if I'm wrong - but I think once you start using 'gift' payments excessively (or if someone like SBF receives excessive gift payments) then the fee free status goes out the window at some point, then either the buyer or seller has to pay some sort of fee based on the paypal assumption that its no longer really a gift transaction but something more of a commercial nature.

Not sure what is going on with PayPal, however I just paid someone as a gift and they charged ME for the transaction, the same one they would charge the seller. When I unticked the box for me to pay this fee, it then charged the receiver.

Anyway, I took the fee myself.

Guess what, I am so looking forward to seeing your reactions as there is no way I believe we should be paying PayPal for this service....


The word numpty comes to

I just did a CASH transfer in AU$ a as a gift and NO fees were applied to me or the other person!
Yeah, I think we are going to need someone with some idea of how to read the mumbo jumbo on the paypal site to read up and figure out what the heck is going on. I paid two people 2 days ago the same way I paid today and no fees were shown.

Really, I am so over banks, fees and the ever growing bums of the people in the boards of these banks. Then again, I can say that about the fuel companys who raised the rate of a L of fuel over night .20 cents, but that is for another thread! :)
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