Everyone seems to think its Select who make all the decisions about how many cards, which players and even which photo's are used, if only that were true.............don't forget the NRL have a huge say in what goes on, remember its their product too and select have the licence to print what they are told to a degree. 20 cards per team and a 320 card base is, well I won't say what it is, that idea might have been alright 30 years ago but as has been said, kids and adults want bang for their buck, that means the chance of something nice in a pack.
When speaking with Select today about the printing in China I was informed that all the cards were loaded into packs by hand, hundreds of chinese citizens putting cards into the packs, I said well that is how we get heaps of cards with corner point damage.
All the excuses in the world can be made about the printing but the bottom line is that Select is untimately responsible. I was chastised this afternoon by a Select employee by being vocal on their website, by phone, on facebook and twitter for complaining about their product, I was told that social networking pages were not the appropriate medium to voice my concerns about their product, I should have called to discuss it first, Well its my right to winge and ***** about anything I want expecially shoddy workman ship, I just hope that my persistance helped in making Select release a statement about the quality control issues.
This afternoon I have sent via express post auto's, rookies, silver parallels and base cards back to select that are below acceptable standard, I wonder what I get in return.
In addition, I am also off the opinion that the certification by Mr Copley on the back of all Select's auto's are not worth the effort, I have been told that player managers pick up the blank auto's from Select and take them to the player who are told a date to have them completed by. The players are also provided with sufficient pens to use a new pen every 20 cards and are instructed to not put cards on top of other cards etc BUT here is the rub, no one from Select monitors this process but Mr Copley signs off as stating this is the signature of that player..............IF THIS IS TRUE then I feel jipped.
Rant over for today, sorry peoples.
Hi everyone.
Well another year of very poor quality from select.
I have only bought 3 folders and 6 pkts but what a load of crap. I have at least 20 cards that have been creased when they have sealed the packets they have been caught in the top or bottom of the pkts.
Will not be collecting this years and everyone else should do the same as this will be the only way to make select take notice if they have a heap of boxes returned to them and cant sell them i think they will have to lift there game so make a stand and boycott 2011. NOT HAPPY JAN. Spottyroach.
could someone be kindly enough to put up a checklist of the 2011 champions please having trouble trying to find one
all the bottom and on the left hand side rey.
auto, rookie sensation, master gem and a rookie were found on the bottom left hand.
thankyou very much tak35bne
---------- Post added 10-03-2011 at 05:59 AM ----------
anyway that scan dave can be bigger so i can read it ?
cheers man
thankyou very much tak35bne
---------- Post added 10-03-2011 at 05:59 AM ----------
anyway that scan dave can be bigger so i can read it ?
cheers man
Interested to here the comments about the bottom left hand packets. I opened a case and in all but a couple I started to notice the bottom left hand 4 packets would give me three hits. Either 2 gems and a rookie or 1 gem , 1 rookie and 1 rookie sensation. Makes it a little easy for boxes to be searched. You wonder how or why this happens.
The quality that came out of my case was ok. Generally the silvers were pretty good and all my inserts bar a couple of Rookies were very good. I know the overall quality ie how thin the cards are was dissapointing but I don't think a boycott is the way to go. I think this will only hurt the trading card hobby in Australia if people stop collecting the product. Some more positive alternative is needed. Any Thoughts....
Jono, it is inserted as a PDF file so that you can download it and view with Adobe Reader and it will be full size and quite readable.
---------- Post added 10-03-2011 at 07:33 AM ----------
I think collectors will naturally boycott a product that is substandard and if not a total boycott then I think they may cut back on their collecting. I think the AFL collectors are going to face the same quality control issues that we had and if Series 2 is printed in the same manner then wow, is the stuff going to hit the fan.
I don't know about other collectors but I try to buy Australian made at every opportunity, I would be happy to pay a little more for my cards if they were printed in Australia not China. Printing back in Australia again is an alternative.
I agree with the sentiments. The products should be Australian made and the quality control should be better. The problem is that when the product goes up in price then we have people complaining that it is over priced and they cannot afford to collect it. The product they produce needs to appeal to a wide variety of collectors as well. Both the serious collector and also the younger market of kids collecting for fun. I agree Select has probably missed the mark with this release. I think the biggest problem with Select is the lack of communication. I have been on this forum for a few years know and have seen plenty of rants and complaints about Select and plenty of people who have attempted to communicate with Select but no real channel of Select communicating back. Does Select have a representative on this Forum and if they don't maybe they need to. Maybe an "ASK SELECT SECTION" that they can openly communicate back to the buying public. Then some calm rational communication could take place. I can imagine Select have a delicate balancing act between providing the product that the public want and staying afloat. After all they are a business and having been a seller of trading cards I understands margins are very thin and imagine this would be the same on the production side of things. Not making excuses for any errors they may make just trying to understand why so in the future we can all enjoy the hobby more. Boycott Series 1 and there will be no Series 2 like last year. I still do not think this is the solution.
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