bro he's receiving offers even OVER $20,000 for it, but he's currently considering and looking over what else he may have/get (he has $25,000 on the table right now). with all the hype around the PMGs, the MJ is the most wanted of the bunch (with Kobe closely behind). the seller bought it for a pretty penny, but it shows u how in just a few months the price of a card can go up considerably!! it also shows u how
Panini have taken the NBA hobby down into the graves, with many collectors ditching all the new products and starting to concentrate on the 90's era cards/inserts/parallels. Panini's version of "inserts" have been nothing but trash!! they flooded the market with crap, only cos they had received feedback from collectors when they were starting out that us collectors wanted to see the "90's kind of inserts" back in this hobby.
lol lol, leave terry alone, his been living under a rock for the last 13 years dont you know that??!
lmao, just messing with ya tez