Nrl 2011

Victor The Viking

Green Eyed
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Most people here probably got this email from Select already, but I thought I'd post it just in case there are a few people here not on the mailing list.

NRL Mailing List
Our NRL Cards will be released shortly.

We are updating our NRL mailing list so if you would like to receive promo cards and flyers please email us at or telephone 02 9486 3286 to be included.

Spread the word!!!
good work mate. I gave them a call after I got it- They wouldn't tell me much but "they don't know if there will be 2 nrl issue's this year or just 1 at this stage".
Yer, i hate the sneak peaks. The sneak peak is that picture of the tiny portion of the card. Looks like it says "NRL Root 2011" from what we can

Looks Like its says "rookie"?? also gives a jersey type apperence. Could we finally be in for a long awaited jersey card release??
ohh promosing i suppose. looks better than champions, sort of says rookie? and maybe they are bringing back the jersey cards.
I dont think it can be "root" because

1. Of what we can see of the last letter has the top and bottom showing and they line up, where as a "T" wouldn't the top would be longer
2. The word is not centered in the circle so there has to be at least 1 more letter.

Thats just my opinion
I realise it's not "NRL Root 2011" obviously, i was just being stupid with the sneak peak gimmick. It is most likely "NRL Rookie" as most people have guessed.
No official release date yet. They just keep saying in a couple of weeks. It's usually very late February or the first week of March
The design work in the background behind the gold Rookie stamp reminds me of the Top Prospects of 2009 Classic... probably a facsimile/foil signature in series one, though.
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