Family Guy Star Wars Cards


Lions Collector
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Im after a couple of cards to complete my Family Guy Star wars A new hope set. I need
Spaceships and Transports ST 7

I have the following for trade
New Hope Puzzle set (NH 1,5,6,7x2,8x2,9)
What happens Next (WN 1,4,5x3,6)
Scenes from space (S 1)
Spaceships & Transports (ST 1,2,4,5)
Droid Chat (DC 1x2)

Thanks for looking:thumbsup:

I am going to get another box of this during next week to try to finish some of my inserts also, will let you know what I get spare that you may be able to use.

No worries hopefully we can help each other out:thumbsup:

---------- Post added 24-01-2011 at 12:46 AM ----------

Also after a Offical Binder if anyone has one:thumbsup:
No worries hopefully we can help each other out:thumbsup:

---------- Post added 24-01-2011 at 12:46 AM ----------

Also after a Offical Binder if anyone has one:thumbsup:

Same here, most likely going to have to go to eBay to get the binder. Also, Troy, I have the box coming most prob will arrive Tuesday, will post the results of the break and indicate what is available. If there is anything there you need you can have it for the cost of postage or we can trade, whatever is easiest.


---------- Post added 24-01-2011 at 08:49 AM ----------

I have various inserts from this set if you are interested

Let me know


Mate, after I open the box tomorrow we will sort out a trade, there are a couple of SWG5 cards you have that I also need, will send you a PM to discuss.

Im after a couple of cards to complete my Family Guy Star wars A new hope set. I need
Official Album
Promo cards P 1+2
NH 4,5,6
ST 3

I have the following for trade
NH 1x2,7,8x2,9x2
WN 1x2,5
S 2,3x2,4
ST 2,5
DC 2

Thanks for looking:thumbsup:


got my box this morning and opened it, I was able to use ALL of the inserts bar two, they are DC2 and S5, I am sorry they are not ones you need.


---------- Post added 25-01-2011 at 09:53 AM ----------

I have various inserts from this set if you are interested

Let me know


Andrew, Had a look at your trade list and I would need the following


Can you PM me a price please.

Updated list now only looking for

Promo cards P 1+2
Scenes from space S 5
Spaceships and Transports ST 7

check the original post for tradelist:thumbsup:


I can help you out with S-5 I think I still have the address, will get it packaged and to the post office for you.

Cheers mate:thumbsup: You need anything from my tradelist?

Not at this stage, I am chasing only one card to finish the set and that is ST-6, will grab it off eBay I suppose.


---------- Post added 31-01-2011 at 02:08 PM ----------

just packaged it up, will get the wife to drop it to the post office this arvo and put some stamps on it.

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