Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10/11


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We have a plethora of new stuff on hand for you all in tonights LIVE BREAKS (Starting around 7.30pm)

New Donruss NBA 10/11, Limited 10/11 & Timeless Treasures 10/11 not to mention a few boxes of 09/10 stuff if you are chasing some Griffin love!

Click here for details

Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

What a night. Hope we catch that guy. And kiwi you freak and a half.
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

kiwi pulled a mj sticker auto in spgu 09-10
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

SOmene decied to pose as me and spend nearly $1000 on busting.......

Oh and kiwi Pulled an MJ Auto/GU in only 5 packs of spgu!
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

5 packs? I thought a box had 4 packets. I remember when I bought mine that is all it had.
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

Hey Ian, I was going nuts didn't think it was you, couldn't believe that happened tonight to G, hope they catch up with the guy. I missed the MJ auto Kiwi congrats mate two weeks in a row, first Durant now MJ, next week LeBron? :)
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

Hey Ian, I was going nuts didn't think it was you, couldn't believe that happened tonight to G, hope they catch up with the guy. I missed the MJ auto Kiwi congrats mate two weeks in a row, first Durant now MJ, next week LeBron? :)

Yeah, I had left my FB and OCT windows open o here and came back to a couple of pms congratulating me and Ben aka Infesticide asking if it was me....
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

Man that is low. Lower than a snake's asshole! I hope they do catch them but Its sad to say the only way I think this can be done from now on is a payment upfront before any box is busted.
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

So Ian it was someone you knew? Yeah Heafy G trusted lots on people including myself to pay and now this puts this on the line.
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

So Ian it was someone you knew? Yeah Heafy G trusted lots on people including myself to pay and now this puts this on the line.

I have NO idea Brett... Can't think of anyone at all that Ive pissed off..... Maybe I was just the unlucky on ethat got picked for his user name.... I think it would be more aimed at Grayson and Renee unfortunately! :(
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

So Ian it was someone you knew? Yeah Heafy G trusted lots on people including myself to pay and now this puts this on the line.

Yeah beacuse even if you know their username and its exact etc someone could still hack your account and do the same thing. Scum of the earth they are!
Re: Live Breaks Tonight 7.30pm - Donruss & Limited 10/11 & 5 x Timeless Treasures 10

yeah pretty ****ty thing to happen, its bad they used your good name Ian and worst thing was Grayson and Renee are now out of pocket, even though Wall auto and few good patches were pulled. Hopefully they can trace them, I'll have to ask Grayson to see if he knows anyone that would want to target them. The ex military and officer coming out of me lol
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