Mailday: 2011 picked up where my 2010 left off


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with shaq mails! :D

the shaqs from my 1st mailday thread got here right before the holidays and they were my last mails for 2010
Maildays/Card Pics - Basketball -

starting 2011, ill post actual mails in mailday threads = )

these came in the first couple days of this year!

just felt like ranting on the1st mail... the seller originally charged me $5 shipping for each of the three cards i won on the same day... when i asked for combined shipping, i was charged $20 for express mail because the total value was also combined and exceeded his $5 shipping limit. ended up paying a bit more, but i thought that was fair enough.

when i opened the mail, it was packaged well, bubble wrapped inside a bubble mailer.. but all three cards were crammed in a single toploader! good thing nothing was damaged, but with the amount i paid for shipping, i would have expected better protection for each card.


these usually floats around ebay a couple of times a year, but normally ends higher than his other similar autos. I just learned now that it was from his 1st year of signing autos for Topps.

i've always like these cards as they were one of the few authenticated autographed cards that shaq was able to sign after his deal with scoreboard/classic and before his exclusive deal with Topps.


and my favorite shaq auto. his best auto from arguably the most popular auto set on his best year in the NBA (mvp grandslam + scoring title + 1st ring). i didnt think i would be able to own one, but here it is = )


Hope you like 'em as much as i do :thumbsup:
Sick sick Shaq autos Al, so this is where my paypal paid dollars have gone hehe jokes bro awesome pickups man! ;)
thanks everyone!

@Jordan_Cards_Fan - haha, definitely, most of it went for shipping though lol. seriously, couldnt have gotten this without your help and others'
Those are crackin' Shaq auto's man very nice!!! Standout for me is that Autographics for me too! Awsome man!
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