It appears I have overstayed my welcome, I have numerous deals and trades going on but can't get a single one on OCT. I think because it is the AFL off season and most of you are Basketball collectors I am a minority, so I am going to (try) and take a break from here at least till AFL 2011 comes around. I currently don't have any deals outstanding (unless I am mistaken). I know I have pissed off a couple of you guys (I make no apologies for that) and shared some laughs with others. For those I have dealt with or those that helped me, thank you. I will still be collecting, just not on here. It's a sorry state when you have plenty of money and no-one wants to sell to you and would rather give their cards away.... got me stumped must have pissed off more people than I thought, anyhow enjoy your wheeling and dealing. If I do have any deals or promises outstanding whack it in a PM and like everyone else I'll get to it one day when I'm not so busy. See ya soon