Dexter season 3 incentives

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Nonsport - Comics/SciFi
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Okay, there were three incentives included with the Dexter group buy. I won't be selling them on a first come, first serve basis, but will instead make them available to group buy participants at a specific price. There are three cards:

- case topper Bellinger graveyard metallogloss $15 AUD shipped
- case topper Murphy portrait metallogloss $15 AUD shipped
- cast costume card $40 AUD shipped

Please PM me (or post here) if you wish to participate by Thursday 6pm east coast time.

From those who say they are interested, I will randomly select the buyer (separately for each of the 3 cards). Each draw will only be between the interested people and the number of chances is the number of boxes. That is, a person with 1 box in the group buy will have 1 chance in the draw for each card they are interested in, 2 boxes gives 2 chances etc.

Good luck

Only put me down for the Murphy Case topper, thanks

---------- Post added 30-11-2010 at 09:41 PM ----------

And can you throw up some pics?
Yep, I'd be interested in the Murphy metallogloss if that is the Dexter portrait one?

EDIT: I managed to acquire one of these in a trade today, so I will pass on this, thanks anyway Jen :)
I edited my original post, but just incase.....

I managed to acquire one of these in a trade today, so I will pass on this, thanks anyway Jen :)
Okay, results are:
Murphy case topper: Sacha
Bellinger metal: tak35bne
Costume: Chelle

I will send PMs to each individually
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