Leaving negative feedback without repercussion

1. If a deal has been completed and no feedback has been left even though you have left some can you get compensationary feedback. Sounds dumb but the person I did a deal with hasn't been on for 2 weeks since I sent him his cards, I'm quite sure he got them...

Noone but the other party can leave feedback - just send them a reminder message and ask politely that they leave you feedback. That's all you can do.

2. Is there anyway to Complete a deal even though you didn't create the deal thread. I have a few of these which are technically complete, feedback has been left by both parties etc except that little detail. I don't want to look like the guy with 5 In Progress deals...doesn't look good.

Nope, again it's up to the person who created the thread to complete it. Again, send them a PM asking them to move it and maybe include a link to the "How To" so they know how to do it.

Regarding the 10 feedback minimum, if you think we need to increase it, put up a thread in the Site Suggestions forum and we will discuss it.
Noone but the other party can leave feedback - just send them a reminder message and ask politely that they leave you feedback. That's all you can do.

Yeah sent a few PMs...might just have to wait...

Nope, again it's up to the person who created the thread to complete it. Again, send them a PM asking them to move it and maybe include a link to the "How To" so they know how to do it.

Nice idea, might do that...

Thanks for the advice Graham!!!
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