Getting my Wood Out!!!


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Good evening all. Well it's finally here, the day you have all been waiting for. The day you get to see my new wood. I must warn you not to get too close as it does look infected because its all RED!
Most of you are aware I have been chasing the redwood parallel set (#'d/15) from 08-09 Topps Hardwood for little over a year now. Well in the past few weeks it hit a significant milestone :D. I was able to pass the 50% mark with flying colours and now have in my hands 82 out of a possible 150 redwoods or 54.67%!
In the last few weeks alone I was able to get my hands on 26 woods ( think about that for a second :lol:)
So without further delay please feast your eyes upon my glorious wood =D>=D>=D>




This last one has been somewhat a white whale for me. I have only seen it on the bay once in 2 years since I have been collecting again so when I saw it with a BIN or best offer I had to grab this puppy. The seller was kind enough to respond straight away and tell me what he would want for it so I made the offer and well here it is......


Now just to get the other variant of this bastard.

Anyway thats it for me. I hope you have enjoyed all my maildays this week. And I dare say I will be showing you my wood again some time soon. If you have any redwoods I need or know of where I can find some please hit me up with a PM.

Thanks and keep safe :D




Nice rosewood for your redwoods?! I'm confused?! hah, Awesome stuff mate, good to see you hunt down a long term set chase white whale!
Just about every second night on here i get booze and see wood!!

I love OCT!

Nice wood, must feel good in-hand!
Off all the things to do with your wood, 'feasting' on it seems like one of the worst...

I hope you got most of the ones that were on ebay a few weeks back, still going well though!
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