First DoJo Auto Into The PC


Chasin' Chandler
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Hey guys got two new additions into the new Dominique Jones PC today and those two are...

2010-11 Prestige Draft Picks Light Blue #175 Dominique Jones 868/999

and my first auto! :D

2010-11 Prestige NBA Draft Class Draft Logo #25 Dominique Jones 166/299

Really like his auto and actually really like this card even though it's numbered pretty highly still. I've still got 5 of Jones' cards incoming two being auto's numbered to 25 (both different) and one numbered to 10, so it's been a good start to the PC so far! Only missed out on a logoman auto numbered to 10 but the auto was kinda wack so I was half happy to miss it and know what it'll roughly cost me this time! Hopefully have another card or two in late week judging by the dates I bought them :kick: Cheers guys!

I've updated this to so you can see everything I have so far...
nice pick ups mate, auto looks killa.. ill scan up my evan turner pick ups sometime this week also..! :D love turners auto! simple yet awesome :)
Ha i seen the thread and im thinking "who the F**k is DoJo"? :lol:

He does have a decent auto, nice pick ups

:lol: Yeah thought I'd say his nickname and get him abit more known, because you'll know who he is soon enough :razz: Gonna be a very solid player if he can squeeze some minutes in somewhere on the stacked mavs bench, good future player aswell though and love some of his tatts.
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