Back in about 1980. At first it was the old Scanlen NSWRL cards and Cricket cards... I'd just buy and buy packs with my pocket money (back then they were like about 15-20 cent's a pack!!!) and whatever change was left out of runs to the cornershop for milk or bread. But of course, being a young whipper-snapper (I was five when i started collecting), if I didn't have a full set at the end of the season, I'd throw all of my cards in the trash. I'm talking rookie cards of the likes of Mal Meninga ('81 state of origin), Wally Lewis (81 state of origin), Guru Growthe, Sterling, Mortimer (all three), Cliff Lyons, Fatty Vaughn, Wayne Pierce, Allan Border, the Waugh Twins, McGrath, Healy, Hughes... just to name a few. Of course when Return of the Jedi came out, I got that also (had the complete set - had being the word here). After that, it was the Transformer's set - am still missing #18 Optimus Prime Fact file. Of course, my TF set is in pretty bad condition (rubber bands, flicks etc). I dropped out of collecting cards after that until 1995 when I started with NBA basketball. My bkball cards and all cards bought since then are in very good condition - either in folders (PC's, AU's, GU's), Snap-lock or screwdowns (high $$), clear cases or collector boxes.