Anybody read or collect comics?

I have not read a comic for quite some time but do have a few 1st issues put aside :) wolverine series fm the 90's #d 1-10 plus x-men. Had heaps that got destroyed in a mini flood at a house I lived at in the 90's. Sad day that was :( So many nice comics lost that day. Spiderman holograms covers , silver surfer rare ones ,x-men issue 1 to over 60, wolverine 1- 60+ all lost :(

That sucks dude sad to hear it :(
I love comics and I've got tons of them at home, but since I buy comicart original, I buy less than in the past. My favs are: Metabarons, Prince Valiant, Punisher, Scalped, Conan, Captain America, BRPD, and a few more.
I stopped collecting comics ages since 94 same with NBA cards - used to be a fan of Amazing Spiderman (Venom, Carnage), Valiant, Image - artwork by Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefield - I believe Spawn (by Todd McF) was the last I read.

I stepped into the local comic shop in Adelaide a month ago - glance through a few comics and just walked out - some of them are just horrible, it's probably I could not appreciate the artwork of current artists or maybe I'm old :).
Thought id bump this thread and update what i have read lately.

  • The Walking Dead Volumes 1 - 10 (the show is just as great)
  • Kingdom Come
One of the Fantastic Four dies this month, my money is on the Torch or Ben Grimm!

I stopped collecting comics ages since 94 same with NBA cards - used to be a fan of Amazing Spiderman (Venom, Carnage), Valiant, Image - artwork by Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefield - I believe Spawn (by Todd McF) was the last I read.

I stepped into the local comic shop in Adelaide a month ago - glance through a few comics and just walked out - some of them are just horrible, it's probably I could not appreciate the artwork of current artists or maybe I'm old :).

I reckon you picked up one of the cartoonier looking ones there are a handfull of titles aimed at kids that are really cartoony whereas most of the titles are aimed at teenagers & Adults. There have been some great looking issues lately i would say to you go and have a decent look at the titles on the marvel website!

Marvel has had an absolutely cracking run the last few years . Quesada the driving force as EIC over the last 10 years has just stepped back to focus fully on being "Chief Creative Officer" of the whole Marvel brand (comics, television & Film). With a new EIC at the helm and Quesada still residing over development there can opnly be good times ahead!! 'Fear Itself" the next Major storyline looks absolutely awesome. There are also heaps of great indy comics out there worth picking up

FYI for those out of the loop Spiderman got retconned a year or so ago and the whole MJ marriage never happened.

My money is on the Invisible Woman.

Well my reasoning is
Reed Richards-No as apparently there is a storyline coming up that outs the Illuminati. It actually started this month with IM rescuing an unconscious black widow from a Atlantean cell. Namor gets straight on the blower to Reed as it happens
Susan- No just because they are using her in the new avengers.
Ben Grimm- Maybe as he has just been given the potion that turns him human once a year.
Torch- Have not seen him much, with Toro being back on the scene there is now an easy replacement for him..
Big comic book store in Adelaide right next to the sportscard store mate!

I used to read the Mortal Kombat series and collect the Bruce Lee mini edition of 6 - haven't flipped open a comic book in awhile but still buy the odd mini set completion for soem light reading!
I collect CGC Signature series comics. I have too many to scan. Here is a scan of my recent pick up

Turner was a fav of mine when he was doing Fathom. He passed away a few years ago, so his autos are hard to come by

Mm that fact is annoying ( kinda like ryan reynolds being hal jordan & deadpool) but this is set in the base universe the movies are set more in the "ultimate" universe hence the black Nick Fury.
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