Card show pick ups! PMG, Autos!


#1 J.R. Smith Collector
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Hey guys, had an awesome time with Cherry, my bro and fiance at the cardshow this weekend! Here are some of the pick ups!

Some JR's of course!



Some Sweet PMG reds!!!!!









Thanks to Cherry for the next 2, my 1st Griffin RC


and, this sweet Bargs 1/1!


Thanks for looking! :D
Re: Card show pick ups! PMG, Atuos!

Sweet stuff Normy, love the PMG's. Seems like every man and hid dog are going for the set these days :lol:

Oh and did i read that right.....Fiance?
Congrats mate when did you pop the question?
Re: Card show pick ups! PMG, Atuos!

Sweet stuff Normy, love the PMG's. Seems like every man and hid dog are going for the set these days :lol:

Oh and did i read that right.....Fiance?
Congrats mate when did you pop the question?

Thanks for the comments guys!

Nick: Lol, I'm not going hard at the set, just picking up spares here and there so I don't clash with those getting the set! Popped the question on her bday, the 8th!
Re: Card show pick ups! PMG, Atuos!

Thanks for the comments guys!

Nick: Lol, I'm not going hard at the set, just picking up spares here and there so I don't clash with those getting the set! Popped the question on her bday, the 8th!

Its all good mate, nice set to go for anyway.

Awwww isn't that romantic :razz:
You've only been with her for 6 months or so now hey? Good stuff man :v:
yet to bag me my first griffin rc au. the one u got here is a ripper norm, very nice card. and good to se the pmg chase is looking sweeet! very nice LeBron and Rose ofcourse, next in line I can see u gettin is the mj. good stuff brother! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
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