this has been added to the select website...
After lengthy deliberation, it is with much regret that Select has decided not to produce a second series of NRL cards in 2010. Many key factors were taken into account before we arrived at this decision.
Select understands this news will disappoint some collectors, but we are taking into account that there has been an abundancy of NRL Collector series released in the past decade and a temporary hold off of a new release will benefit the collector's market in the long term.
We would like nothing more than to continue manufacturing products for the vibrant card communities that exist in Australia and throughout the world, but as a leading manufacturer of sports cards, it is important that we respect the nature of card collecting and foresee the possible market trend to make sure that the ultimate collector's interests be enhanced and protected.
While there is no second NRL series scheduled for 2010, we do have some exciting new products that will be released throughout the year. While we can’t tell you any more just yet, we urge you to check our website, Facebook and Twitter to be among the first to know.
The team at Select Australia sincerely thanks you for actively collecting our products. We are proud of what we do and appreciate the long term support and loyalty shown by our collectors.
We also wish to offer our utmost assurance that Select is committed to providing you with new and exciting card collections, so stay tuned as we look forward to some new releases soon.
Yours in sport,
Select Australia
Just read on the Select website the official statement =
30 April 2010
NRL 2010 Series 2
After lengthy deliberation, it is with much regret that Select has decided not to produce a second series of NRL cards in 2010. Many key factors were taken into account before we arrived at this decision.
Select understands this news will disappoint some collectors, but we would like you to appreciate that this is not a decision that has been made lightly.
We would like nothing more than to continue manufacturing products for the vibrant card communities that exist in Australia and throughout the world, but we must do so in a commercially responsible manner that will ensure we can still be doing it long in to the future.
While there is no second NRL series scheduled for 2010, we do have some exciting new products that will be released throughout the year. While we can’t tell you any more just yet, we urge you to check our website, Facebook and Twitter to be among the first to know.
The team at Select Australia sincerely thanks you for actively collecting our products. We are proud of what we do and appreciate the long term support and loyalty shown by our collectors.
We also wish to offer our utmost assurance that Select is committed to providing you with new and exciting card collections, so stay tuned as we look forward to some new releases soon.
Yours in sport,
Select Australia
I think a few high end Knights sigs may bring you out of retirement.
Don't worry that there is no series 2, if we are lucky we will have these instead....
your sending them broke.
I have written directly to the NRL to voice my disappointment and to highlight Select's complete disregard for NRL collectors. I have enquired about the terms of the license and if they are open to allowing a competitor to enter the market to better represent the NRL brand.
I know not much will come of it, but I felt better for venting my frustration.....
I do think we need to be pro active and constructive in our criticism so all an sundry that may have a vested interest in this are aware.