Have you/are you quiting smoking?


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So today is my 5th day smoke free, feel great and it's looking like i have more cash in my pocket already.

Wondering if anyone here has been down this road?
I'm on the patch's which are working a treat, also chewing alota gum and eating lollies while driving to break the habit.

Still have half a packet of smokes sitting in the car becuase i dont believe in quiting untill you've finished all your smokes.

(hopefully dont break my 5 day streak and have one, Will give the pack to someone at work in the coming days.)

How did you do it?

If i break my quiting streak, $50 donation to this site everytime i do. :thumbsup:
I smoked for about 10 years when I was a young lad! :(
I think that to successfully quit you have to have a good reason.
Could be anything, but must be something thats important to you.
I quit because I wanted to get back into sport and smoking was massively holding me back, I basically had no endurance/cardio.

That way, whenever you feel like a smoke, just remember why you are quiting (your reason) and that hopefully will be enough for you to do the right thing.

I read a good thing in a book about quiting;
It was saying that the thought of never having another cigarette is a huge thing to someone who smokes a lot. BUT... the thought of not having a single (1) cigarette is not such a big deal. SO.... if you work hard on putting off/not having that one cigarette, then after a while you will not even feel like having it. In your mind, you can make quiting as simple as not having that one cigarette. (It's a psychological thing:))

Good luck. Your body/family/friends/fellow collectors would all prefere that you didn't smoke :thumbsup:
Yerr im coming off about 9 years smoking also, A good reason for it is i have asthma and smoking isnt really helping at all.
So hopefuly will be able to stick to the plan.

Cheers guys
I have foolishly quit and started up again about three times now without help but this time I have started using gum and it actually helps a fair bit, while I still have a half full pack I am determined to give up once and for all this time- no returns!
I smoked for 16 years up until last year when I quit cold turkey. No patches nothing. I never tried to quit before but am so glad I did now been just over a year since my last cig
I smoked for 16 years up until last year when I quit cold turkey. No patches nothing. I never tried to quit before but am so glad I did now been just over a year since my last cig

Nice effort, i never last even 1 day cold turkey...
It's on my list of things to do.
I think siegeandspike is correct in saying the thought of not ever having another ciggy is a big thing well it is for me. I've cut down from a pack a day to 1 pack ever day and a half to 2 days and i think going to a new job helped as i don't have people smoking around me all day now.
Hopefully i can ween my way off them by years end :thumbsup:
my dad smoked for 30+ years...he didnt use patches or gum...what he did was changed miligrams...he'd for from 30 or whatever it was to 15's to 5's or whatever it was...it got to the point where he was on the lowest he'd be having like 1 per day to 1 per 3 days to 1 per week etc...id suggest trying that way...and as for that half a pack...mate...thats just an excuse...you cant say that you dont believe in quitting until you finish ur packet..fark that, man up and throw that sh!t away!! you dont need those things staring u in the face tempting you!!
My Dad used to smoke unfortunatley... The best way i got him to quit was when i started throwing out his ciggarete packets he then relised that I didnt like him smoking so he quit for me preety much..
you cant say that you dont believe in quitting until you finish ur packet..fark that, man up and throw that sh!t away!! you dont need those things staring u in the face tempting you!!

That might've been worded wrong, it wasnt meant to read...
"i'm not going to quit untill i finish all these smokes"

Was directed at the people who tell me "finish all your smokes before you quit"

Don't feel tempted at all to go running back to them, even with every person at work smoking every 30 mins, still haven't came close to having one.
My Dad used to smoke unfortunatley... The best way i got him to quit was when i started throwing out his ciggarete packets he then relised that I didnt like him smoking so he quit for me preety much..

Jack,when I was your age i did the exact same thing except my mother clipped me around and ears and gave me the biggest spray so I never did it again,I just kept saying 1 smoke 1 day off your life...
I did not want the reason that I was not having a cigarette to be that I did not have any. I wanted the reason that I was not having a cigarette to be that I had decided that I did not need/want them any more!
Jack,when I was your age i did the exact same thing except my mother clipped me around and ears and gave me the biggest spray so I never did it again,I just kept saying 1 smoke 1 day off your life...

Yes my Mum doesnt get to happy when i throw her's out but i do say Your lungs will thank me...

Gl Danny! Hope you dont break your streak!
I smoked for 5 years.. and in those years I think I tried giving up about 5 times (properly lol).. I tried patches, hypnotism and all that. But the only thing that really got me off them was chewies.. I was on nicabates for about 6 months (4mg) then went to 2 mg (for about another 6 months).. now I just use nicottelli's (another brand..) and mix it up with some extras.. I only have about 2 proper nicotine chewies a day.. its the way to go man cus you dont even crave a smoke when you have a drink and we all know thats the hardest thing being an ex-smoker. all the best to ya but! you wont regret it.. add more years to your life
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