2x 06-07 SPGU and 1x 07-08 Sweet Shot

Here are the scans:

The S**t Shot -
(ok so it's censored...)

The SPGU -


And the mojo -


All are available if buying.
I was going to flick off the bonus packs of SP Retail but thought I'd open them now anyway. Man they are crap!

1st pack had two Durant and an Oscar Profiles. 2nd had 2 West AND 2 Varejao. 3rd had 2 KG AND 2 Prince. 4th had 2 Arenas, 2 Rasheed and a MJ Profiles (which saved it). 5th had 2 Nash and 2 Harris. Last had 2 Marbury and a Magic Profiles.
What kind of a crap set gives you duplicate multiples in each pack??
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