10 packs 2010 Champions


Such is life!
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very ordinary bust here,
got 5 packs from one shop and got
jason winderlich force 5 sig

then on my way to work today picked up another 5 from a different shop and got
joel selwood force 5 sig

very crappy results :(
hope my box coming makes up for it.

i like the gold background on the foil sigs but why did they use such a thin pen to sign, why not use a nice big fat texta, like the gold foil sigs from 07, you can barely even see the sigs on the card.
mate you beat the odds believe it or not!

Not sure how you figure that one out mate... by my calculation he didnt beat te odds at all.. even in a lower box you get 10 inserts, that 1 insert every 3.6 packs.....
Sure he got better odds on the single card, but he certainly didnt beat the odds overall...
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