Yeah basically they open a whole case live on ustream. So you get to see evrything and make sure its all above board. They do the draft live as well just before the break so im not sure what pick i am yet. They run all the names through a randomizer to get the picks, thats all done live and in front of everyone as well, so its all aboive board.
So yeah its 4 people, split the case equally. But the guy that runs the site charges an extra 100 dollars per case for postage and card protectors ($25 each person). So we got our case for 1300, so add the 100 its 1400 divided by 4, which was $350 each. Works out to be great cause its basically $350 each for 2.5 boxes with case odds, and includes delivery.
And you dont have to worry about getting stung bull%&*^^ fees from customs.
Once the draft is done, they bust the case, lay out all the hits and you get picking there and then. The picks go 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,4, 3, 2, 1 etc etc.
So even if you bum out and get the 4th pick, you still get the 4th and 5th best cards in the case.
Which on one round 2 break i watched happended to be a hamill red and a machida blue. So its a pretty good way to bust the product.
If you guys are interested in doing one, I would be keen to join you. We just need 4 people, i can organise it on the forums at buymma, you guys sign up to the site (free) and join the case break. Then we all pay the guy that runs it and away we go.
And that we we dont have to worry about importing a case to australia and getting stung by those nasty customs people lol.
---------- Post added 02-03-2010 at 02:16 PM ----------
Obviously I got pick number 4 lol,
ah well.