PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

And the team you changed from got the 4th pick and the team Ben changed from got the 8th pick :)

---------- Post added 21-02-2010 at 11:45 PM ----------

In fact, Eastern Conference snagged 10 of the top 13 picks

10 of the top 13?

That is not only weird but slightly annoying! Haha. :lol:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I cant wait for this time next week it'll be all done and dusted and games will be underway!...or will they? Are we waiting for Season 1 to finish or just gonna roll with both?

Roll with both. Very different league and there will be 16 new teams as well as a few old teams that have nearly completed their schedule all looking for games.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I've half predicted who might be around at pick #30, but then I'd rather not say in the event that who I am looking at taking might no longer be there. All I'll say is that I believe big guys will come at a premium given there's only ~8 Centers that have an 80+ rating, and I don't expect any of them to be there come pick #30...but I am hoping! Same goes for PFs. I believe most of them will be gone too, however I have targets :D :lol:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yeah by the way i meant Atlanta instead of Houston, will get on the PS3 now and msg him

Didn't get on much of regular hours of the w'end was on a few times but pretty early in the morn and not alot of people about.
Hopefully we can catch up before Wed and get our Hawks v Celtics game done.

Interested to see you in action with your impressive record ;)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Didn't get on much of regular hours of the w'end was on a few times but pretty early in the morn and not alot of people about.
Hopefully we can catch up before Wed and get our Hawks v Celtics game done.

Interested to see you in action with your impressive record ;)

You'll be less interested after you've played him :lol: Very hard to run with and any little slip ups are punished severely! That said, I enjoy playing Nick thoroughly :)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Cleveland Cavs in Season 2 has had to pull out due to getting a new job and no longer being available. Like i mentioned earlier, we already have someone that was happy to jump onto the new team. Unfortunately, because we have intiated draft but not yet started the actual season the league won't allow me to add the new user yet. So Cleveland (Drafting 5th) will have to autopick in the draft.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Sorry i havent played a game in a while, just been playing cod and have started working again, also doing other things that have filled out my day, but from now on ill be asking people from games and trying to finish my last 11.

Im now starting to change my mind and going to start to bring a more listed way of picking my players i have a general idea of who i am going to get but i might go on my word and start looking up players and seeing whos good.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Sorry i havent played a game in a while, just been playing cod and have started working again, also doing other things that have filled out my day, but from now on ill be asking people from games and trying to finish my last 11.

Im now starting to change my mind and going to start to bring a more listed way of picking my players i have a general idea of who i am going to get but i might go on my word and start looking up players and seeing whos good.

I'll be shooting from the hip...not much more I can do really when I get 30th pick, then 31st, then have to wait for the 90th! :lol: I have an idea of what type of players I'd like and what positions are more important, but who knows what will be around with each of my picks...

---------- Post added 22-02-2010 at 02:16 PM ----------

Will be home shortly. Itching to get a game or 2 done if anyone is about!
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yer, i was gonna go through and play with a few different teams to see who i liked but i only got to the 2nd team before giving up. So hard because i have no idea how the teams before will pick....i don't even know how the CPU will pick because i simmed a draft and the CPU was making so many selections that didn't make sense like picking PG's in the 1st round rated 78 when there were plenty still available rated 80-85???

Just don't know so i'll play it by ear.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

as i went to the ufc and acdc concerts over the weekend and i wasnt online at all
if any1 wants a league 1 game against the spurs ill be on about 8pm 2nite...

digeze - i know theres a few games overdue that i have 2 play against atlanta and new orleans i think?? cant seem to catch em when im online, so if u have to sim them i understand.....
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Didn't get on much of regular hours of the w'end was on a few times but pretty early in the morn and not alot of people about.
Hopefully we can catch up before Wed and get our Hawks v Celtics game done.

Interested to see you in action with your impressive record ;)

haha yeah i sent you a message on the good now for about an hour if your about and maybe at about 8 tonight. If you have a time in mind for the next couple days let me know...sent you my available times on the ps3 ;)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I'll be shooting from the hip...not much more I can do really when I get 30th pick, then 31st, then have to wait for the 90th! :lol: I have an idea of what type of players I'd like and what positions are more important, but who knows what will be around with each of my picks...

---------- Post added 22-02-2010 at 02:16 PM ----------

Will be home shortly. Itching to get a game or 2 done if anyone is about!

Same as I'm thinking mate.

I think it's only 30 games so one against each player, it will be interesting to see how it turns out.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

It is a 30 game season. I did look at changing it to 40 but there doesn't seem to be an option for it anymore. Kind of frustrating considering a schedule hasn't even been generated yet.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

why does the draft say starting at

Not to sure. Perhaps it's a bit confused with the daylight saving thing.

Mine says 9pm when i login in, and Vic is currently on the saame time as NSW so it should still be 9. Likewise it should be 6pm for WA but Howey said it comes up as 7pm.

I'd suggest still turning up at the previously mentioned times (9pm)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Hopefully this doesn't happen with 2k10 but when we run a 2k9 fantasy draft it started 1 hour after the time we set :( was weird..
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Sorry Jimbo, was off fixing fences for when we get a dog ;) I don't think I'll be on later cause until we get the dog, the leash is on me :(
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