Redemption mailday!


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Managed to get to the post office just before it closed to pick this up after work.
Buckley collection coming along nicely now with more on the way again.


Great card in hand :D
Well done, nice card... always a good sig to have!!!

Cheers mate. Think this is the best one i have so far.

bloody nice card mate!

The real tough one will be the triple brownlow signature of Buckley/Roo/Goodes!

Cheers, That one could be on the way soon crows. :eek:
Wont be much coming in for awhile after that one, have to rebuild the bank account haha
Do you seriously have the triple signature on the way?

I think that may well be the most expensive AFL card in existence!
Great looking card mate...Geez Bucks must have atleast 4-5 high level sigs out there. Would look sweet in 1 big collection.
That is a lovely Bucks sig mate,
your lucky Bucks has so many nice sigs out there!

Good luck with the Triple Brownlow,
a dream card for many collectors! Hope you land it.
cheers guys.
yeh he has afew sig cards out there doesnt he...

94 select
2001 heroes
2001 captain
2003 northsmith
2004 brownlow
2004 tripple brownlow sig
2005 herald sun
2006 herald sun
2007 herald sun
2006 sticker
2004 collingwood hall of fame - living hof sig
2004 collingwood hall of fame - copeland sig

I missed a 94 select sig in mint condition awhile ago, i was at work and the seller ended the auction as he got a good offer.
Havent seen one in such great condition apart from that one so wasnt happy :mad:
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