2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!! Scan added!

Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

Not long now boys....just finalising the video....

Fingers crossed we dont have to wait too long for youtube to approve it!!
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

this must be huge if it takes this long haha ..

hanging to see it nohing the less

Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

video is up fellas ;)

check out my original post on page 1 :thumbsup:
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

loading it to watch on here but if I click the link to go to youtube it says malformed video ID or something, cant watch, just fyi
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

sh!t sh!t sh!t insane pull the patch is siiiiiiiiiiiiiick totally worth the wait
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

Awesome mate......absolutely awesome!! that alone will fetch back most of your 2000 if you decide to move it!!
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

AWESOME DRose, wow, sick patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was also a bit worried for ya's before that hit!
Beasley is an awesome card no matter how much attyball whinges about pulling them, he's playing good this season!

GREAT stuff boys!!!!!!!!!!!!:kick::worthy:=D>
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

You guys did well on the Rookies.......Rose (Killer Patch), Beasley and Gallo.....not bad.
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

You guys did well on the Rookies.......Rose (Killer Patch), Beasley and Gallo.....not bad.

yeah i know!! and westbrook :woot:

i got the top 2.....3 of the top 4....and 4 of the top 6 :razz: not too shabby :lol:
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

that was def worth the wait. Fantastic pull mate. That patch is disgusting!!!
Re: 2008/09 Exquisite Case. HOLY MOTHER OF MOJO!!!!!

WoW - What a patch!

VERY jealous on that one mate, what does that book for?

Great vid too - Congrats!
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