09/10 elite signature #14 search begins


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Never had the opportunity to try this. have a few already and would like a shot. NOTHING VENTURED NOTHING GAINED. So here goes me to the wall:woot:
Everyone. do want me to summarize numbers here for trade/sorting? your thoughts
Soooo Farr and enjoying ride - thks to OCT
Best of luck! Which ones do you have so far ?

Well i know he doesnt have Haddin :P

What number Haddin do you have in exchange?? or do you have any numbered 11??

---------- Post added 31-12-2009 at 01:27 PM ----------

i might have a #14 in the 3 ive got at home, i'll have a look tonight mate.

haddin 006/300
hauritz 011/300
hughes 014/300

You said u had these ones...
nice one, i couldnt find where i had written the numbers down, thanks. so there you go mate, ive got phil hughes #14 if you want it. let me know what you have to trade.

Well i know he doesnt have Haddin :P

What number Haddin do you have in exchange?? or do you have any numbered 11??

---------- Post added 31-12-2009 at 01:27 PM ----------

haddin 006/300
hauritz 011/300
hughes 014/300

You said u had these ones...
=D> graham you sold me the NORTH & WATSON. BOUGHT the Mcdonald. and have redemptions for Hughes, hauritz and haddin(have to chk if local shop has sent- i dont think so. will buy -pm your price or your thoughts and thks for help. if chasing redemptions let us know there are some, just some going around up here. thks again everyone..steven
HI cc57, pm sent thks for the interest will trade through...steven:thumbsup:

---------- Post added 04-01-2010 at 10:37 AM ----------

big rapt to blown8 for the elite redemption. steven :kick:
big thks to cc57 for the a trade setup . steven :kick
Sacha, i may be able to get my hands on a #13 Haddin. Havent found a #11 as yet. If thats to your liking let me know or could you also tell me your "limit" of a low number-acceptable to you
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