Michael Redd base? #132/350
KG Sweet stitches
Sweet beginnings Aaron Gray 385/699
Daniel Gibson Sweet Spot sig on baseball red stitch
CP3 + Peja Sweet stitches
By packs of 6:
1: AI autu profiles
2:Jemareo Davidson 052/599 Rookie Auth patch... not so good
3: Wilson chandler auth profiles
4: base
5:Carmelo AP
6: base
By packs of 6:
1: AI autu profiles
2:Jemareo Davidson 052/599 Rookie Auth patch... not so good
3: Wilson chandler auth profiles
4: base
5:Carmelo AP
6: base
7: Sun Yue AP + Rudy Fernandez Rookie Auth Sig Patch 305/499 mostly white patch
not a bad rookie
8:Courtney Lee DS
9.Rose DS
10: AI AP
11:Haddadi DS
12: Haddidi AP
19: M Gasol AP
20: Weems DS
21: AP of some bucks player with a long name
22: Fernandez DS
23: Koufos 041/499 Rookie Auth Patch Auto.... damn....
24: Sun Yue DS....