Box break tonight. 1 x 08-09 spx, 1 x 06-07 trilogy, 1 x 08-09 ultimate


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My box break luck has been well and truly out the window as of recent times, so fingers crossed tonight holds something for me. Ive resigned myself to the fact that these may be my last boxes for a while, I might just have to stick to buying singles cos im getting SQUAT!!!! WISH ME LUCK!!!! Should be around 6-6.30 tonight.
Just opened the freebie pack of Rookie Threads.

Bargnani SP threads
Weems/Douglas Roberts/Ewing JR Triple Threads
Deandre jordan signature threads Patch auto /35 Freaking nice looking card!!

you know I was just thinking, this is my fourth box of trilogy and Ive never pulled anything good. Why do i keep buying it??:blink::blink:

because you're an addict like many of us :( but more because you're gonna pull a BRoy 1/1 :thumbsup:

well done on the rc auto patch from the freebie pack by the way!!! =D>
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