Oh Snap!!!

thought you mailday'd it already mate hahaha as for the magnetics from r&b, i think they're phoenix cases might hold them, i got a phoenix case at home i might check it and see how they go....if it fits do you want it? i wont use it as all my sh!t is sleeved:thumbsup:

Yeah definately Slob if its fits and your not using it. Whats the thickness of the jersey versions? I have the Jersey incoming too :cool:
Hey guys yeah its a 10 RC patch #/3. I can't wait to get the beast in hand:woot:

I hear the guys @ R&B in Japan are making special magnetics to hold these super thick Ultimate's. I'll have to get in contact with them.

Kelvin: It was much less than the BIN. There was another one on ebay with no where near as good patches on it (2 clr Augustin:rolleyes:) but he wouldn't go less than $450. Im happy i got this one for less than that ;)

Promold have 220pt on the way! :thumbsup:
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